
Macarthur FC FREE School Holiday Clinic Information

All you need to know about attending our holiday clinics is right here!

If you can’t find an answer to your question, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or phone.

Email: community@macarthurfc.com.au

Phone: 1800 462 855

Arrival and Departure

    Parents/guardians MUST sign their child/children IN and OUT each day at the Macarthur FC tent. If someone other than a parent/guardian is signing in and out, please notify our Community team via email.

    • Arrival time: From 30 minutes before clinic start time
    • Pick-up time: Up to 15 minutes after clinic end time

    Our staff will be signing participants in from 30 minutes before the clinic starts and will be signing children out up to 15 minutes after the clinic ends. Children will not be permitted to go on pitch without being signed in or permitted to leave the venue without being signed out.

    Parents are more than welcome to stay and watch.


    Parents/guardians MUST report any relevant medical and/or dietary details, provide an action plan and sign in required medication. If your child is keeping their medication in their bag (eg. Asthma inhaler), please advise our staff at the time of signing in so we are aware, should they need it.

    What to Wear

    Players should wear comfortable clothing to play in. We recommend wearing shorts, t-shirt or jersey, long football socks and bring a jacket/jumper until they are warm enough to take it off.

    If your child attended our Winter School Holiday Clinics, they would have received a Macarthur FC clinic shirt. They are encouraged to wear these again as we will not be able to provide them with another one.

    Please ensure all clothing and belongings are labelled with your child’s name.

    Players are encouraged to wear football boots and must have shin pads for safety reasons.

    What to Bring

    Players should bring the following:

    • Cap
    • Drink bottle with water
    • Healthy snacks
    • Sunscreen
    • Shin Pads
    • Wet weather jacket

    Please note that some players may have allergies (eg. nuts). Consider this when packing food and note that we have a no-sharing food policy.

    Additional Information

    Basic first aid and sunscreen will be available throughout the day. There will also be taps for players to fill up their drink bottles. Mandatory breaks are scheduled for players to eat, re-apply sunscreen, and stay hydrated.

    Permission to Publish

    Unless advised otherwise, you consent to Macarthur FC using photographs and/or video of your child in publications, news releases, website, social media, and in other communications related to Macarthur FC.

    By accepting this you will waive any interest that you may have in the copyright to the image/video now or at any future time and acknowledge that you are not entitled, nor shall in the future be entitled, to receive any payment or consideration in respect of it and agree to make no claim against Macarthur FC for any payments for the publication of the image/video.

    If you do not give permission to publish, we require you to notify our team in writing prior to the clinic day, via email: community@macarthurfc.com.au advising of this. We will then provide wrist bands on the day.

    Wet Weather Policy

    Our clinics will proceed in wet weather unless there is torrential rain, thunder, lightning, hail, or the grounds become unsafe. Please bring a wet weather jacket in case of rain.

    In the case of cancellation, we will notify all registrants via email (please be aware that this may go into your junk mail) and via our social media channels and website.

    We look forward to seeing you all at our FREE school holiday clinics for some football fun!